Advanced Publishing Systems could see a real advantage in being able to manage newsprint advertising for mid sized newsprint publishers.

Synergy booking is now operating in sites across Australia and New Zealand.

What did Redgum do?

Redgum developed a first version 20 years ago and worked side by side with APS and their customers ever since to refine and improve the system.

Synergy provides one of 2 key core products in a suite of 12 products APS can mix and match to solve a broad range of issues for their customers.

What does it mean for our Client?

What does it mean for their customers?

Synergy provides the ability to manage the interface with their advertising customers, ensuring the needs of each customer is met, the sales team have the information they need and the rest of the organisations downstream processes get the data they need to be successful.


Orders on the Go


Blackhearts and Sparrows Bottledrop